20th Meeting of the European Coordination Committee on Human Rights Documentation.
14-15 May 1996, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Human Rights on the Internet. A Personal Internet Experience.*

By Chris Ingelse, University of Limburg | Maastricht

1. Introduction

2. Human rights sites on the Internet

3. Discussing human rights using the Internet

4. Presenting your information on the Internet

5. Links for further study


1. Introduction

  • The Internet offers opportunities to human rights academics and organisations

      For retrieving information
      As a means of communication
      For supplying information

  • No skills needed .....

  • This presentation

    Top of page

    2. Human rights sites on the Internet

    Top of page

    3. Discussing human rights using the Internet

    Top of page

    4. Presenting your information on the Internet

    Top of page

    5. Links for further study

    Top of page

    [Introduction] [Human rights sites on the Internet] [Discussing human rights using the Internet] [Presenting your information on the Internet] [Links for further study]

    Ingelse, C., Human Rights on the Internet. A Personal Internet Experience
    , HURIDOCS, 20th Meeting of the European Coordination Committee on Human Rights Documentation. 14-15 May 1996, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. The tutorial is available on the World-Wide Web: http://www.xs4all.nl/~ingel/c.ingelse/tutorial.htm.

    Please address your questions and comments to c.ingelse@ir.unimaas.nl

    This page is managed by Chris Ingelse

    Last modified: October 3, 1996

    On the basis of the right of free speech, as enshrined in the Dutch Constitution and international human rights conventions, the contents of this user file are the sole responsibility of the author.