An excerpt from the jury's report:
"[...] Although the jury was well aware that, in general, only sites that contain information on human rights can compete for 'Today's Special', it felt that an exception may under certain favouring circumstances be justified, if sites are nominated which outstanding qualities are of interest to the Web-community at large. These qualities were found at Bart Verheij Home page. With the favouring circumstances present, the jury decided to admit this site to the next round.[...]
The jury was especially pleased with the clear and simple layout, which guarantees fast loading and easy access, regardless of web-browser or configuration used. Moreover, the structure of Home page and sub pages is logical and guarantees fast and easy navigating. The pages are highly informative and contain no superfluous lumber. The jury felt that the use of the color white in the background makes a clean, crisp and pleasant Home page. Bart Verheij Home page sets the standard in terms of layout, structure, and the use of plain and simple HTML. These elements and all favouring circumstances present, the jury decided to award Bart Verheij Home page with the distinguished title of 'Today's special'."
The contents of this user file are, on the basis of the right of freedom of speech, as enshrined in the Dutch Constitution and international human rights conventions, the sole responsibility of the author.